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-Deaf Yoga
-Extreme Hip Hop
-Hula Hoop
-Tai Chi
Human Resources
I will be having alcohol at the event.
In the Parks Programming
Internal Event
Internal Meeting
Press Event
Private Event
Ribbon Cutting
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Volunteer Events
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A.Vincent Igliozzi Recreation Center
-Igliozzi Community Room
-Igliozzi Computer Lab
-Igliozzi Gym
-Igliozzi Pool
Adrian Hall Way
Amos Earley Park
-Amos Earley Park - Soccer Field
-Amos Earley Park- Handball Court
-Amos Earley Park- Small Event Space
-Amos Earley Park- Tennis Court
Amtrak Station Park
Angelo Zuccolo Recreation Center
-Zuccolo Computer Lab
-Zuccolo Gym
-Zucolo Pool
Annie Morris Park
Ardoene Park
-Ardoene Park- Baseball Field
-Arodene Park- Basketball Courts
Armand E. Batastini Jr. Recreation Center
-Batastini Gym
-Batastini Playground
-Batastini Pool
Arthur & Ruby Lawrence Park
Ascham Street Park
-Ascham Street Park- Baseball Field
Baxter Street Park
Billy Taylor Park
-Billy Taylor Park- Basketball Courts
Biltmore Park
-Biltmore Park- Green Space and Brick Pavers
Black Foot Bridge
Blackstone Boulevard Park
- Blackstone Blvd Trolley Shelter Event Lawn
Blackstone Park
-Blackstone Park- Meadow Event Space
Botanical Center
-Mediterranean Room
-Rose Maze
Botanical Center- Greenhouse 3
Boyle Square
Brassil Memorial Park
-Brassil Memorial Park- Four Square Court
Broad Street Entrance
Brown Street Park
Bucklin Park
-Bucklin Park- Baseball Field
-Bucklin Park- Basketball Courts
-Bucklin Park- Football Field
Burnside Park
- Burnside Event Space Washington St Sidewalk
Cabral Park
-Cabral Park- Baseball Field
-Cabral Park- Basketball Courts
Cathedral Square
Cerbo Square
City Center and The Providence Rink
City Hall
-City Hall - Stairwell and Public Spaces
-City Hall Aldermen Chamber
City Hall - Aldermen Chamber
Clarence Street Park
-Clarence Street Park- Event Space
Collyer Park
-Collyer Park- Softball Field
Columbia Park
-Columbia Park- Basketball Courts
Columbus Square
Concessions Building
Conlan Junior Memorial Park
Constance Witherby Park
Corliss Park
-Corliss Park- Baseball Field
-Corliss Park- Basketball Courts
-Corliss Park- Handball Court
-Corliss Park- Tennis Courts
Cranston Street Totlot
-Cranston Street Tot Lot- Volleyball Courts
Davey Lopes Park
-Davey Lopes Park- Basketball Courts
Davey Lopes Recreation Center
-D. Lopes Gym
-D. Lopes Computer Lab
-D. Lopes Playground
-D. Lopes Pool
Davis Park
-Davis Park- Baseball Fields
--Davis Park- Baseball Field 1
--Davis Park- Baseball Field 2
--Davis Park- Baseball Field 3
-Davis Park- Basketball Courts
Dexter Training Grounds
-Dexter Training Grounds- Baseball Field
Donigian Memorial Park
-Donigian Memorial Park- Baseball Field
-Donigian Memorial Park- Basketball Courts
-Donigian Memorial Park- Soccer Field
Drummond Field
-Drummond Field- Soccer Field
Elmwood Community Center
-Elmwood CC Large Hall
-Elmwood CC Meeting Room
--Elmwood CC Meeting Room 2
Fargnoli Park
-Farganoli Park- Concessions Building
-Fargnoli Park- Baseball Field
-Fargnoli Park- Basketball Courts
Father Lennon Park
-Father Lennon Park- Skate Park
-Father Lennon Park- Volleyball Courts
Franciscan Park
Gano Park
-Gano Park- Baseball Fields
--Gano Park- Baseball Field 1
--Gano Park- Baseball Field 2
-Gano Park- Basketball Courts
-Gano Park- Soccer Field
Gano Street- Boat Launch & Bikeway
Garibaldi Square
Gateway - Main Building
-Gateway - Meeting Space
-Gateway - Welcome Desk Lobby Area
Gateway - Outdoor Courtyard
General Street Park
-General Street Park- Event Space
-General Street Park- Playground
George Araujo Park
-George Araujo Park- Event Space
George J. West Park
-George J. West- Baseball Field
-George J. West- Basketball Courts
-George J. West Park- Event Space
Gladys Potter Park
-Gladys Potter Park- Event Space
Harriet & Sayles Park
-Harriet & Sayles Park- Baseball Field
-Harriet & Sayles Park- Basketball Courts
-Harriet & Sayles Park- Event Space
Hopkins Park
-Hopkins Park- Event Space
-Hopkins Park- Soccer Field
Hopkins Square
India Point Park
-India Point Park- Event Space
-India Point Park- Soccer Field
Iola French Park
-Iola French Park- Baseball Field
-Iola French Park- Event Space
J.T. Owens Park
-J.T. Owens Park- Baseball Fields
--J.T. Owens Park- Baseball Field 1
--J.T. Owens Park- Baseball Field 2
--J.T. Owens Park- Baseball Field 3
--J.T. Owens Park- Baseball Field- Tee Ball
-J.T. Owens Park- Concessions Building
-J.T. Owens Park- Playground
James J. Ahern Park
-James J. Ahern Park- Baseball Field
-James J. Ahern Park- Basketball Courts
-James J. Ahern Park- Concessions Building
-James J. Ahern Park- Event Space
Japanese Garden
Jennifer Rivera Memorial Park
-Jennifer Rivera Memorial Park- Event Space
John H. Rollins Recreation Center
-J. Rollins Community Room
-J. Rollins Computer Lab
-J. Rollins Gym
John O. Pastore Park
-John O. Pastore Park- Basketball Courts
-John O. Pastore Park- Event Space
-John O. Pastore Park- Playground
John O'Brien Park
-John O'Brien Park- Event Space
Joseph P. Hassett Park
-Joseph P. Hassett Park- Basketball Courts
-Joseph P. Hassett Park- Event Space
Joseph Williams Field
-Joseph Williams- Baseball Field
-Joseph Williams Field- Event Space
Joslin Park
-Joslin Park- Basketball Courts
-Joslin Park- Event Space
-Joslin Park- Soccer Field
Joslin Recreation Center
-Computer Lab
-Joslin Community Room
-Joslin Gym
-Joslin Karate Studio
-Joslin Water Park
Joslin Resilience Hub
-Joslin Resilience Hub Event Space
-Joslin Resilience Hub Office Space
Kennedy Recreation Center
-Kennedy Community Room
-Kennedy Gym
Kerry Kohring Park
-Kerry Kohring Park- Event Space
Lakeside Pavilion
Lippitt Memorial Park
-Lippitt Memorial Park- Event Space
Madeline Rogers Recreation Center
-Rogers Community Room
-Rogers Gym
-Rogers Pool
Major Park
-Major Park- Basketball Courts
-Major Park- Event Space
-Major Park- Playground
Manton Skate Park
Market Square
Mary E. Sharpe Memorial Park
Mashapaug Park
Mashapaug Pond Boating Center
-Mashapaug Pond- Boating Center Building
-Mashapaug Pond- Pavillion
Mattie Smith Totlot
-Mattie Smith Tot Lot- Playground
-Mattie Smith Totlot- Event Space
Memorial Park
Merino Park
-Merino Park- Basketball Courts
-Merino Park- Event Space
-Merino Park- Soccer Fields
Michael S. Van Leesten Memorial Bridge
-MVL Bridge- Lower Performance Deck
Miguel Luna Park
-Miguel Luna- Baseball Field
-Miguel Luna- Basketball Courts
-Miguel Luna Park- Event Space
-Miguel Luna- Playground
Morris Avenue Totlot
-Morris Avenue Tot Lot- Playground
-Morris Avenue Totlot- Event Space
Mt. Pleasant Little League Fields
-Mt. Pleasant Little League Field- Concessions Building
-Mt. Pleasant Little League Fields - Playground
-Mt. Pleasant Little League Fields- Baseball Fields
--540 Mt. Pleasant Ave- Baseball Field 2
--540 Mt. Pleasant Ave- Baseball Field 3
--Mt. Pleasant Little League Fields- Baseball Field 1
-Mt. Pleasant Little League Fields- Event Space
Murphy-Trainer Memorial Park
Neutaconkanut Park
-Neautaconkanut Park - Baseball Field 1
-Neutaconkanut Park- Baseball Field 2
-Neutaconkanut Park- Basketball Courts
-Neutaconkanut Park- Concessions Building
-Neutaconkanut Park- Concessions Building 2
-Neutaconkanut Park- Event Space
-Neutaconkanut Park- Skatepark
Ninth Street Park
-Ninth Street Park- Basketball Courts
North Burial Ground - Armenian Martyrs Memorial
North Burial Ground - Brown Mausoleum
North Burial Ground - Front Event Lawn
North Burial Ground - Locust Grove Event Space
North Burial Ground - Marble Steps
North Burial Ground - Memorial Row
Obediah Brown Fields
-Obediah Brown Fields- Concessions Building
-Obediah Brown Fields- Event Space
-Obediah Brown Fields- Soccer Field 1
-Obediah Brown Fields- Soccer Field 2
Paterson Park
-Paterson Park- Basketball Courts
-Paterson Park- Event Space
-Paterson Park- Playing Field
Paul Grande Jr. Park
-Paul Grande Jr. Park- Basketball Courts
-Paul Grande Jr. Park- Event Space
-Paul Grande Jr. Park- Playground
Peace and Plenty Park
-Peace and Plenty - Playground
-Peace and Plenty Park- Event Space
Pearl Street Park
-Pearl St. Park- Four Square Court
-Pearl St. Park- Playground
-Pearl Street Park- Event Space
Pleasant Street Park
-Pleasant Street Park- Playground
Pleasant Valley Parkway
Prete-Metcalf Park & Field
-Prete-Metcalf Park - Event Space
-Prete-Metcalf Park- Baseball Field 1 - Little League
-Prete-Metcalf Park- Baseball Field 2 - 60/90
-Prete-Metcalf Park- Concessions Building
-Prete-Metcalf Park- Softball Field 3
Prospect Terrace
-Prospect Terrace- Event Space
Richardson Park
-Richardson Park- Baseball Field
-Richardson Park- Basketball Courts
-Richardson Park- Event Space
Richside Lake
Riverside Park
-Riverside Park- Event Space
-Riverside Park- Stage
Roger Williams Landing
Roger Williams Park- Clark Dalrymple Boathouse
-RWP Boathouse Lawn
-Warming Room
Roger Williams Park- Fields
-RWP- Baseball Field 1
-RWP- Baseball Field 2
-RWP- Baseball Field 3
-RWP- Softball Field
Rose Garden
RWP Boat Ramp Temple Cunliff
RWP Casino Ballroom
RWP Casino Bandstand
RWP Casino First Floor
RWP Juan Pablo Duarte
RWP Picnic Area
Sackett Recreation Center
-Sackett Gym
Scalabrini Park
-Scalabrini Park- Historic Building
Sessions Street Park
-Sessions Street Park- Baseball Field 2
-Sessions Street Park- Baseball Field 3
-Sessions Street Park- Softball Field 1
Silver Lake Memorial Park
St. John's Park
Studio Gateway Garage
Temple to Music
Tom Twitchell Greenway
Vincent Brown Recreation Center
-Vincent Brown Community Room
-Vincent Brown Gym
Wanskuck Park
-Wanskuck House - Event Space
Waterman Street Dog Park
Waterplace Park
West End Recreation Center
-West End Community Room
-West End Gym
-West End Pool
Wild Place
Woony Adventure Park
Select Multiple
Saturday, February 1, 2025 - Friday, February 28, 2025